List of Millennium characters

The following is a list of fictional characters in the American Fox television show Millennium.


Black Family

Law Enforcement

The Millennium Group

In Season 2, the Millennium Group is shown as divided into two factions – the Owls and the Roosters. A civil war is shown to be occurring between The Owls (who believe in a scientific natural form of Armageddon) and The Roosters (believing in a religious Apocalypse). The Owls believed that if a theological event did not occur in 672 days, a secular Millennium would result leaving them in control. Most in the group believe that the best solution is that the Old Man unites the factions. The Millennium Group utilized the following phrase to indicate their membership to members and candidates: "This is who we are" which also served as a tagline in the series titles.

Later in the season, the Old Man would explain that in the waning days of World War II, the Nazis began a secret project known as Odessa, in which high-ranking SS officers fled to countries south of the equator. One of these men, Rudolph Axmann, helped defeat their greatest enemy, Communism, in the 1980s. Now Odessa had turned its attention towards the Millennium Group and the Old Man in searching for many of the artifacts related to Judeo-Christian religious belief including the Hand of St. Sebastian and a wooden piece of the true Cross of Jesus Christ.


Legion, also known historically as the Gerasene demon, is a demon found in the Bible in Mark 5:9, "And He asked him: What is thy name? And he saith to him: My name is Legion, for we are many"; and Luke 8:30, "And Jesus asked him, saying: What is thy name? But he said: Legion; because many devils were entered into him." (Douay-Rheims Bible). Whilst there were many evil characters and killers throughout the Millennium television series, not all were directly connected with the Legion mythology which was introduced early in Season One.

Although references were made about a supernatural raw evil in Millennium's earliest episodes, it was not until the character of the Judge stated a name and thereby an explanation was directly given by the writers for the various manifestations and mortal instruments of Legion characters. The Legion character would continue to taunt Frank in various forms with visions and knowledge of a happier and safer life for himself and that of his family throughout the series. Most Legion characters were direct manifestations, demonstrating supernatural abilities and methods.

Serial Killers

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